

2015514日,来自美国辛辛那提大学的魏恒教授为大家做了题为《How could connected vehicle impact on driver behaviors and whats their subsequent effect?》的报告。




Dr. Heng Wei is a Professor of Transportation Systems and Engineering, and Director of Advanced Research in Transportation Engineering & Systems (ART-Engines) Laboratory at The University of Cincinnati (UC). He has a wide spectrum of research interests and expertise in intelligent transportation systems (ITS).  Since his faculty appointment at UC, he has secured 32 research projects (including 10 Co-PI projects) from ODOT, FHWA, NSF, EPA, OTC, NEXTRANS Center, and UC URC/FDC. His research has resulted in 160 peer-reviewed papers and 9 professional books/chapters. He has been honored with UC College of Engineering and Applied Science Distinguished Researcher Award for Excellence in Research and Engineering Master Educator Award for Excellence in Teaching. In addition, he is a member of numerous outstanding professional committees, such as TRB AND20, ABJ70 and ABE90 Committees, ASCE T&DI Committees on Advanced Technology Committee and Transportation Safety and on Sustainability and Environment. He is the Chair of IEEE ITSS Travel Information and Traffic Management Committee and Immediate Past President of Chinese Overseas Transportation Association (COTA). In addition, he has successfully organized or chaired 27 international conferences/sessions and symposiums.
