


Zhejiang University

COTA summit Workshop 2016

Post COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals 2016


Zhejiang University (ZJU) is pleased to hold the Post Summit Workshop of the 16th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals (CICTP2016), to support COTA in achieving its goals for improving collaboration with China’s transportation institutes of research, education, and technology transfer, and promoting transportation development in ChinaThe CICTP2016 will be held during July 7-9, 2016, in Shanghai, China, jointly organized by Shanghai Maritime University (SMU) and Chinese Overseas Transportation Association (COTA). ZJU is located in the City of Hangzhou, which is close to Shanghai. Inviting COTA Board of Directors and international advisory professionals to visit the transportation program of ZJU, we believe this workshop will result in valuable guidance to the development of transportation studies at ZJU.


On behalf of our transportation faculty of ZJU, they are Profs. Dianhai Wang (Program Leader), Yibing Wang, Xiqun (Michael) Chen, Fujian Wang, Zhenyu Mei, Sheng Jin, Yilin Sun, Hongsheng Qi, and Lihui Zhang, we look forward to working with COTA and supporting objectives to enhance connections among overseas transportation professionals and their counterparts in China, to promote transportation development in China by providing knowledge and expertise through its members, to enhance networking and collaboration among members of the Association, and to serve as a platform to share information and knowledge on transportation development for all transportation professionals.

We are happy to invite the VIPs and COTA delegates to visit Hangzhou. The transportation program of ZJU stands ready to partner with COTA in delivering an effective summit workshop after CICTP 2016. If you have questions on this workshop, feel free to contact Dr. Xiqun (Michael) Chen at chenxiqun@zju.edu.cn .


·    Urban Traffic Congestion Mitigation: Advanced Models, Solutions and Challenges

Topics (including but not limited to the following items)

·    Advanced travel demand management

·    Advanced transportation planning and modeling

·    International experiences and inference to China

·    Smart cities, big data and ITS

·    Transportation economics and policy

·    Traffic control

·    Traffic flow theory and applications

·    Urban traffic congestion surveillance

·    Urban transportation systems operations and management


·    The dates of the post CICTP summit workshop is July 9-10, 2016, exactly between the CICTP2016 (July 7-9, 2016) and the 14th World Conference on Transport Research (July 10-15, 2016).


·       Zijingang Campus, Zhejiang University, 866 Yuhangtang Rd, Hangzhou 310058, China

Program at a Glance



July 9, 2016

PM: Pick up VIPs and COTA delegates at the conference venue of CICTP 2016, arrive at ZJU.

July 10, 2016

Daytime: Summit Workshop (preliminary presentations, and round-table panel discussions).

Evening: Welcome banquet.

July 11, 2016

AM and Noon: Tourism around the West Lake

PM: Take bus to the conference venue of WCTR 2016 in Shanghai.

Lodging Arrangement

·    Free lodging at the campus hotel of Zhejiang University will be provided to all attendants of the workshop.

·    Free tourism with a professional guide will be served to all.

·    No registration costs.

Organization Committee @ ZJU

Located in the historical and picturesque city of Hangzhou, Zhejiang University is a prestigious institution of higher education with a long history. Qiushi Academy, the predecessor of Zhejiang University, was founded in 1897 and was one of the earliest modern academies of higher learning established in China. Zhejiang University is a comprehensive research university with distinctive features and a national as well as international impact. Research at Zhejiang University spans 12 academic disciplines, covering philosophy, economics, law, education, literature, history, art, science, engineering, agriculture, medicine, management and etc. With 7 faculties and 36 colleges/schools, Zhejiang University has 14 primary and 21 secondary national leading academic disciplines.

Zhejiang University has long been holding the educational philosophy of putting people foremost, cultivating all-round competence in students, seeking the truth and pioneering new trails in search of excellence, and is committed to developing future leaders with an international perspective. ZJU has turned out a large number of outstanding talents in its history. There are more than 160 alumni elected members of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering. With educational thoughts advancing with the times, Zhejiang University paces the whole nation in educational reforms. Rich campus culture, advanced teaching facilities and a wide range of international exchanges create favorable conditions for students’ development.

The Institute of Transportation Engineering of ZJU was established in 1995. Currently, there are 28 full-time faculty, and over 60 master and Ph.D. students. The mission is to provide high-quality teaching, research, design, consulting, and experiments and testing for subjects of Bridge and Tunnel Engineering, Highway and Railway Engineering, and Traffic Engineering. Our expertise includes the construction and operation of transportation infrastructure (bridge, tunnel, pavement, and traffic safety facilities), traffic information and control, technologies of rail and metro transit.


Traffic Control Research Laboratory (TCRL)

The laboratory was founded in 2010. The objective is to mitigate traffic congestion via two approaches:

·    Traffic Information and Control (traffic flow theory, traffic state monitoring and identification, traffic data collection and processing technologies, urban traffic signal control, freeway ramps metering)

·    Transportation Management and Planning (travel behavior theory, urban transportation demand-supply structure optimization, urban road traffic operations, parking system planning and guidance, network traffic evolution mechanism)

Faculty and Research

We aspire to the highest level of performance for our sponsors, stakeholders and students. There are 3 professors, 3 associate professors, and 3 assistant professors in the TCRL. The faculty, researchers, and students engaged in more than 30 research, education, outreach, and technology transfer projects. In particular, over the past three years, our lab performed excellent engagement in the comprehensive and collaborative research. More than 10 projects were funded by national agencies, 7 of which are supported by the NSF of China, including one key program, entitled evolution mechanism, regulation and control methods of urban transportation supply and demand structure. In addition, our lab was funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology via 3 other projects. Besides, several research-based consulting projects develop innovative solutions to improve traveler and freight mobility and reliability, to support national-level transportation investment decision-making.
