On July 4, 2018, Dr. Lei Zhang, professor in the University of Maryland , visited the IITS and gave a seminar presentation to the faculty and students. The central topic of his presentation is "One-stop Travel Demand and Two-way Management, Guidance and Optimization of Travel Supply Based on Real-time Big Data and Individual Incentives". The "Hundred Talents Program" Professor, Xiqun Chen hosted the seminar.
Dr. Lei Zhang is currently a Herbert Rabin Distinguished Professor and Director of the National Transportation Center in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Maryland, College Park. He earned his Ph.D. (major: Transportation Engineering; minor: Operations Research in 2006) and M.S. (Applied Economics in 2005; Civil Engineering in 2002) degrees from the University of Minnesota, and B.S. (Civil Engineering in 2000) from Tsinghua University.