Publications & Awards



[1] Mei Z, Tan Z, Zhang W, et al. Simulation analysis of traffic signal control and transit signal priority strategies under Arterial Coordination Conditions[J]. Simulation, 2018: 0037549718757651.

[2] Xiong C., Yang D.*, Ma J., Chen X., Zhang L. (2018) Measuring and enhancing the transferability of Hidden Markov Models for dynamic travel behavioral analysis.  Transportation, in press (SSCI)

[3] Chen X., Zhang S., Li L.* and Li L. (2018) Adaptive rolling smoothing with heterogeneous data for traffic state estimation and prediction. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation System, in press. (SCI)

[4] Zhou L. and Chen X.* (2018) Bayesian network for red-light-running prediction at signalized intersections. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, in press. (SCI)

[5] Zheng H., Chen X. and Chen X.* (2018) How does on-demand ridesplitting influence vehicle use and purchase willingness? A case study in Hangzhou, China. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, in press. (SCI)

[6] Zhu Z., Xiong C., Chen X.* and Zhang L.* (2018) Integrating mesoscopic dynamic traffic assignment with agent-based travel behavior models for cumulative land development impact analysis. Transportation Research Part C, 93, 446-462. (SCI)

[7] Chen X., Chen C., Ni L. and Li L.* (2018) Spatial visitation prediction of on-demand ride services using the scaling law. Physica A, 508, 84-94. (SCI)

[8] Zhu Z., Tang L., Xiong C., Chen X. and Zhang L.* (2018) The conditional probabil-ity of travel speed and its application to short-term prediction. Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, in press. (SCI/SSCI,)

[9] Zhu Z., Xiong C., Chen X.* and Zhang L. (2018) Calibrating supply parameters of large-scale DTA models with surrogate-based optimization. IET Intelligent Transport Systems, in press. (SCI)

[10] Bai J., So K.C., Tang C.*, Chen X. and Wang H. (2018) Coordinating supply and demand on an on-demand service platform with impatient customers. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, in press. (SSCI)

[11] Ni L., Wang X.C. and Chen X.* (2018) A spatial econometric model for travel flow analysis and real-world applications with massive mobile phone data. Transportation Research Part C, 86, 510-526. (SCI)

[12] Chen X., He X., Xiong C., Zhu Z. and Zhang L.* (2018) A Bayesian stochastic Kriging optimization model dealing with heteroscedastic simulation noise for freeway traffic management. Transportation Science, in press. (SCI/SSCI)

[13] Zahiri M. and Chen X.* (2018) Measuring the passenger car equivalent of small cars and SUVs in rainy and sunny days. Journal of Transportation Research Board: Transportation Research Record, accepted. (SCI)

[14] Xiong C., Zhu Z., Chen X. and Zhang L.* (2018) Optimal travel information provi-sion strategies: an agent-based approach under uncertainty. Transport-metrica B: Transport Dynamics, 6(2), 129-150. (SCI/SSCI)

[15] He, Y., Song, Z., and Zhang, L.* (2018) Time-Dependent Transportation Network Design Considering Construction Impact, Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2018, Article ID 2738930.

[16] Liu Chengxi, Sun Yilin*, Chen Yuan, and Susilo Yusak O. The Effect of Residential Housing Policy on Car Ownership and Trip Chaining Behaviour in Hangzhou, China. Transportation Research Part D-Transport and Environment. 2018. Vol. 62, pp. 125-138.
