Lihui Zhang


Name: Lihui Zhang

Position: Associate Professor

Tel: +86(571) 88208968



Personal Profile

Dr. Lihui Zhang is currently an associate professor at the College of Civil and Architecture Engineering, Zhejiang University. Dr. Zhang earned his Ph.D. in civil engineering from the University of Florida in 2010, and his B.S. degree in civil engineering from Tsinghua University in 2006. Before joining Zhejiang University, he was an assistant professor at the Dalian University of Technology and a visiting scholar at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Dr. Zhang specializes in transportation system modeling, optimization and analysis. His research topics include traffic signal timing optimization, transportation network design, road congestion pricing, transit system optimization, connected and autonomous vehicles. Dr. Zhang has published over 30 peer-reviewed journal papers, and acted as PI or co-PI for over 10 projects of national, provincial and ministry levels.



  • 2010/08  Ph.D. in Transportation Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, US

  • 2006/07  B.E. in Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China



  • 2018/01 ~~present  Associate Professor, College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University

  • 2014/05 ~~2017/12  Assistant Professor, College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University

  • 2010/09 ~~2014/04  Assistant Professor, School of Transportation and Logistics, Dalian University of Technology

  • 2013/06 ~~2013/12  Research Associate, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


Host Research Project

1)  “Dynamic Second-Best Congestion Pricing Considering Environmental Externality”, Natural Science Foundation of China (71401025).

2) “Optimising Operations and Management of Multi-Modal Urban Transport Systems for Environmental Improvement”, funded by Lloyd’s Register Foundation, UK.

3) “A Research on the Green Traffic Signal Control”, Humanities and Social Science Research Project, Ministry of Education of China (11YJCZH242).

4) “Optimization of Signal Settings for Area Traffic Control”, Scientific Research Foundation for Returned Scholars, Ministry of Education of China.


Representative Publications

1) Chen, Z., He, F., Zhang, L.*, and Yin, Y. (2016) Optimal Deployment of Autonomous Vehicle Lanes with Endogenous Market Penetration, Transportation Research Part C, 72, 143–156.

2) Zhang, L., Song, Z.*, Tang, X., and Wang, D. (2016) Signal Coordination Models for Long Arterials and Grid Networks, Transportation Research Part C, 71, 215–230.

3) Liu, H., Zhang, L.*, Sun, J., and Wang, D. (2015) Optimize the Settings of Variable Speed Limit System to Improve the Performance of Freeway Traffic, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 16(6), 3249–3257.

4) Zhang, L.*, Yang, H., Wu, D. and Wang, D. (2014) Solving a Discrete Multimodal Transportation Network Design Problem, Transportation ResearchPart C, 49, 73–86.

5) Zhang, L.*, and Sun, J. (2013) A Dual-Based Heuristic for Optimal Cordon Pricing Design, Journal of Transportation Engineering, 139(11), 1105–1116.

6) Zhang, L., Yin, Y.*, and Chen, S. (2013) Robust Signal Timing Optimization with Environmental Concerns, Transportation ResearchPart C, 29, pp 55–71.

7) Zhang, L., Yin, Y.*, and Lou, Y. (2010) Robust Signal Timing for Arterials under Day-to-Day Demand Variations, Transportation Research Record 2192, pp 156–166.

8) Zhang, L., Lawphongpanich, S.*, and Yin, Y. (2009) Chapter 14: An Active-Set Algorithm for Discrete Network Design Problems, in Transportation and Traffic Theory 2009: Golden Jubilee (Lam, William H.K., Wong, S.C. and Lo, Hong K. eds), Springer, pp 283-300.

9) Zhang, L., and Yin, Y.* (2008) Robust Synchronization of Actuated Signals on Arterials, Transportation Research Record 2080, pp 111–119.


Teaching Courses

Design of Traffic Engineering Facilities (Undergraduate students)

Transport Simulation Techniques (Graduate students)
